One Board Quiver Theory

Paring down your quiver to one surfboard is a tough but intriguing theoretical challenge. Given today’s incredible range of surfboard design though, it’s entirely possible to dream up a board with versatile enough capabilities to handle most reasonably scaled conditions (Hayden Shapes’ Hypto Krypto, Lost’s Quiver Killer, or maybe an MR fish come to mind). […]

Slow Dance B-Sides

Craig Anderson, Dane Reynolds, Ozzy Wright, Ryan Burch, Rob Machado, Thomas Campbell, Dion Agius, Nate Tyler, some guy on a knee board, a lamp shade, Occy’s presurf warm-up, quality ponchos, and other A-grade B-side super 16mm footage recovered from the cutting room floor makes for inspired viewing. Throw in some intriguing soundscapes and it only […]

Quality Mindsurfing: “Jungle” By Morgan Maassen

In a world where surf movies saturate all media platforms it take a lot to stand out. Jungle by Morgan Maassen manages to do this. With mesmerizing cinematography, a unique editing style, and creative music selections this one transcends your typical video. The diverse cast of surfers featured in it include  Marlon Gerber, Lee Wilson, Noa […]

“Fish” The Documentary

Directed by Joseph Ryan, Fish is a documentary that delves deep into the history of a classic surfboard shape. The goal of the film is to take “a look at the origin and impact of the fish surfboard design and then how it would influence surf culture 30 years later.” With surfing and interviews by Steve Lis, Skip […]

“Proximity” – Taylor Steele’s Film Tours Near And Far

Taylor Steele needs no introduction. He’s been dropping culture shaping surf films since the early 1990s. The term “momentum generation” which refers to some of the world’s most influential surfers to come out of the 90s (including Kelly Slater, Rob Machado, Taylor Knox, Shane Dorian, Kalani Robb, Benji Weatherly, Ross Williams, Chris Malloy, and Rizal Tanjung), was […]