Innovative Venture: Mushroom And Hemp Fin Constructions

It sounds like an ode to 1970s surf culture – mushrooms, hemp, low environmental impact, and phenomenal surf in the outer reaches of Maui’s lush shores. In reality it’s a recipe for the birth of a surf company start-up that prides itself on sustainability and performance.

Focused on the creation of fins, Huckleberry Surf Company has opted to promote the use of innovative and eco-friendly materials. With core substances like hemp and mycelium produced by Ecovative Designs, to bio-based coatings from Entropy Resins, and 100% recycled biodegradable packaging they’re aiming to deploy a low impact product line from start to finish.

What about performance? Watch the video below featuring a cadre of Huckleberry Surf Company team members including Albee Layer, Kalani David, Kaimana Henry, and Dege O’Connell among others as they test the limits of function in challenging conditions.

Click here to peruse or purchase an extensive line-up of Huckleberry Surf Company fins.

sources and links:

Huckleberry Surf Company

Take Shelter Productions