What Revolution Looks Like

What could be better than drinking an ice cold can of beer after a good surf? What about swilling that beer and knowing that no plastic from your six-pack will make it’s way into the ocean? According to marine biologist Mark Tokulka, speaking in the Youtube video below, “An estimated one million seabirds and a hundred-thousand marine mammals and sea turtles become entrapped in plastic or ingest it and die.” Yet, this does not have to be the case.

Saltwater Brewery, a microbrewery in Delray Beach, Florida has offered a solution: six-pack rings that are both biodegradable and edible. They use byproducts from the brewing process to create packaging that is claimed to be strong and efficient as well as low-impact on the environment.

The only drawback in leading the charge on this issue is financial cost. At this point the biodegradable, edible, six-pack ring is more expensive than plastic packaging. Although it may become a cheaper form of packaging if the trend catches on with larger manufacturers and is used more commonly in the future, the cost is currently being passed onto consumers.

But so what? It’s a start. It’s revolution and you don’t even have to give up your after-surf beer. So throw one back after your next session, and bask in the afterglow, knowing you’re doing your part to help sea life thrive.

sources and links:

Featured photo by Jake S.

Salt Water Brewery

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