The Wax Scrappler

Most surf wax is made from petrochemical based materials like paraffin. While there are organic options out there, they tend to be overlooked by the mainstream surf population. Most of us who surf (there are millions these days) apply paraffin based wax to our boards repeatedly, building up a grippy base, before scraping it off, balling it up into a snowball sized glob, and throwing it away. Not much intention or thought goes into what happens when we discard wax in favor of a fresh layer. It simply gets tossed out with the rest of our waste.

Enter the Wax Scrappler. This radical little device, created by Luciano Loseto, offers a solution to a problem many of us didn’t even realize we had. It allows surfers to reuse wax instead of throwing it away by compressing old wax into a fresh bar. For a demonstration on how it works watch the video below:

For more information about this tool check out the website here. To buy a Wax Scrappler click on this link. Why not give it a go? It can save you money, empower you with a never-ending supply of surf wax, and inspire surfers worldwide to tread lightly on the environment they depend on for their fix.

sources and links:

The Scrappler
luciano loseto